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Friends of Vinh Son Orpphanage is a 501(c)3 supporting over 800 Montaganrd children in the Central Highlands of Vietnam since 2005

Our July Newsletter  highlights the recent activity with the kids

  1.    See the story of our proud graduates

  2.    A message from the President about current finances and our           annual fund raising goals

  3.   A great story about the kids and the annual dental clinic

  4.   Hank Gonzales has been a Board member since the beginning     and  has made wonderful contributions.  We are saying good bye to   a wonderful man.

About Friends of Vinh Son

Friends of Vinh Son Montagnard Orphanage, Vietnam, provides a coordinated effort to raise resources (cash and in-kind gifts) that provide a happier and more fulfilling quality of life for the children at the Orphanage.

The orphanage is administered by The Sisters of the Miraculous Medal who, with our help, provide:

  • Primary and secondary education as directed by the Vietnamese government

  • Life skills to ensure the children become self sufficient

  • A safe environment

  • Food, clothing, shelter and medical care


  • A safe, positive environment where the children have the opportunity to experience their unique cultural heritage

  • An education that allows the children to live full and productive lives

  • The caregivers who interact with the children

  • The benefactors who make this effort possible


  • Our sole purpose is to help the children of the VinhSon Orphanage

  • Successfully integrate the children into the Vietnamese society while being mindful of the political and cultural realities

  • Our focus will be from a humanitarian perspective

  • Funds and in-kind gifts will only benefit the children and their caregivers

  • Executive Board Members, Board of Directors members, and Members at Large will endeavor to expand membership and increase funding

  • Distribution of funds will be at the direction of the Executive Board and Board of Directors

  • These principles drive every decision

Image by Aman Shrivastava

Support The Children

Friends of Vinh Son Montagnard Orphanage, Vietnam, provides a coordinated effort to raise resources that provide a happier and more fulfilling quality of life for the children at Orphanage.


What your donation can do:

 $1.00 buys 4.5 lbs of fresh vegetables

 $1.00 buys 1 lb of flour 

 $1.00 buys 3 lbs of fresh fruit

 $1.00 buys 4 lbs of rice .. 20 meals

 $5.60 buys 1 gallon of milk

$1,000 supports 1 college student for 1 year

$1.30 buys a dozen eggs

$3.25 buys 1lb pork

$1.30 buys 1 lb of fish

$5.45 buys 1 lb beef

Contact Us

Friends of Vinh Son Orphanage 
P.O. Box 9322

Auburn, California 95604-9322

Phone: (816) 225 - 1805

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